Monday 17 December 2012


    冬至,是我国农历中一个非常重要的节气,也是一个传统节日,至今仍有不少地方有过冬至节的习俗。冬至俗称“冬节”、“长至节”、“亚岁”等。早在二千五百多年前的春秋时代,我国已经用土圭观测太阳测定出冬至来了,它是二十四节气中最早制订出的一个。时间在每年的阳历12月22日或者23日之间。   冬至是北半球全年中白天最短、黑夜最长的一天,过了冬至,白天就会一天天变长。古人对冬至的说法是:阴极之至,阳气始生,日南至,日短之至,日影长之至,故曰“冬至”。冬至过后,各地气候都进入一个最寒冷的阶段,也就是人们常说的“进九”,我国民间有“冷在三九,热在三伏”的说法。




Sunday 16 December 2012

Mari Kita Belajar Peribahasa

1. Bulat air kerana pembetung, bulat manusia kerana muafakatMaksud : Kata sepakat yang dicapai dalam mesyuarat.
2. Darah dagingMaksud : Anak dan saudara-mara daripada keturunan sendiri.
3. Berat sama dipikul, ringan sama dijinjingMaksud : mengalami susah senang bersama-sama.
4. meninggi diriMaksud : Sombong
5. bermuka duaMaksud : Tidak jujur.
6 baik hatiMaksud : Bersikap baik dan penyayang (suka menolong).
7. tulang belakangMaksud : Punca kekuatan/ orang harapan
8. bara yang digenggam biar sampai jadi arangMaksud : Mengerjakan sesuatu yang sukar hendaklah sabar, sehingga mencapai kejayaan.
9. bagai kaca terhempas ke batuMaksud : Sangat sedih atau kecewa.
10. melentur buluh biarlah dari rebungnyaMaksud : Mendidik anak biarlah sejak mereka kecil lagi.
11. duduk sama rendah, berdiri sama tinggiMaksud : dua orang atau pihak yang sama darjat dalam adat
12. seperti lembu dicucuk hidungMaksud : Orang yang selalu menurut kemahuan orang
13. yang berat sama dipikul, yang ringan sama dijinjingMaksud : Bersama-sama menghadapi atau mengerjakan sesuatu.
14. dayung sudah di tangan, perahu sudah di airMaksud : segala-gala yang dikehendaki sudah diperoleh.
15. terang hatiMaksud : Lekas pandai.
16. rendah hatiMaksud : Tidak sombong
17. murah hatiMaksud : Pemurah.
18. tak lapuk dek hujan, tak lekang dek panasMaksud : Adat yang tidak berubah; sesuatu yang tetap utuh.
19. Tangan kosongMaksud : Hampa.

Are you ready to Make Your Life Healthy?

Make Your Life Healthy! Isn’t that something that everyone wants? Well, maybe…but who really wants to WORK at it? Not many people! And that is the problem.
Okay America! It's time to WAKE UP and get healthy! Every day I read more and more news, hear more studies, see more examples of just how unhealthy we are continuing to become! Diabetes! Cancer! Alzheimer's! COPD! and on and on and on! Many of these diseases can be avoided with proper nutrition and a healthy lifestyle.
In our society of medical miracles, of new drugs and of every kind of life-extending procedures possible, our country  is still dying of preventable diseases. We have the world's highest death rate due to coronary artery disease; we are third in the world for diabetes related deaths, and ninth in the world due to various types of cancer. With the greatest medical treatments available, why are we still killing ourselves? The one thing that we have the most control of, our body,is the one thing that we avoid caring for the most. By controlling our diets, our exercise program and our nutrition, we can extend our own lives.
It is easy to blame it on our life styles,  our fast-paced, hectic schedules, and the restaurants that "force" feed us. It is time for us to take charge! We need to make the decision to save our own lives. If you just take one thing from each of our programs and incorporate it into your life, your life would be healthier! It's all a matter of doing something today to avoid or correct something tomorrow!
Make Your Life Healthy looks at six different topics each week: Health, nutrition, diet, exercise, mental, physical and spiritual health. We spend literally hours of time researching the topics in advance: On the Internet, interviewing doctors and specialists, and then we present the information back to you in ways that anyone can understand. But more than just an educational program, we want to give you tidbits of ideas that can help you make everyday changes that can save your life.
I hope you can join us every week as we discuss ways to Make Your Life Healthy.